
Specialty Milled Ingredients (RTE)

Egg Replacer Flours and Natural Dietary Fibers – functional ingredients with benefits

Avena Best Specialty Milled Ingredients are ready-to-eat (RTE) and can be used to formulate clean-label, allergy-friendly and plant-based products.

These ingredients include:

Milled from sustainably grown beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas, Avena’s functional flours and natural dietary fiber ingredients can be traced right back to the farm. Our specialty milled ingredients are designed to meet your specific needs in bakery, snacks, soups, sauces and dressings, meat, hybrid meat and plant-based foods and beverages.

Contact us today to learn more about Avena’s specialty milled functional ingredients and product solutions.

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Functional specialty milled flour for baking

Commercial Egg Replacement Flours and Egg Substitutes

Alter Egg-Oh

Specialty milled from sustainably grown beans, chickpeas and lentils, Avena Best Pulse Visco Enhancers © are functional ingredients with emulsifying, binding, structure building and gelling properties. Protein and starch functionality are optimized through Avena’s proprietary milling process, enabling the replacement of eggs, starches and gums in a range of plant-based products. These functional pulse flours are RTE (ready-to-eat), flavor-reduced, allergy-friendly (including gluten-free), nutrient-dense and available organic or conventional.

Learn More: Avena egg replacers

Natural Dietary Fibers

Moral Fiber

Avena’s natural dietary fibers include Avena Best Pea Hull Fiber and Avena Best Organic Oat Hull Fiber.  Specialty milled from upcycled hulls of peas and oats using a proprietary process, these natural dietary fibers are RTE (ready-to-eat), clean-label and allergy-friendly functional ingredients. Avena Best Pea Hull Fiber and Organic Oat Hull Fiber are neutral in flavor, color and aroma. The addition of these ingredients provide a natural dietary fiber boost and can also assist in managing moisture, holding water and binding oil in bakery, snacks, meat, meat hybrid, plant-based foods and beverages.

Learn More: Avena natural dietary fibers

Dietary fiber ingredients globe graph

Attributes of Avena Specialty Milled Ingredients

  • gluten-free and allergy-friendly
  • clean and clear-label
  • certified organic or conventional
  • natural, non-GMO
  • Kosher
  • Halal
  • ready-to-eat (RTE) with a validated kill-step


Avena Best Ingredients

Avena’s R&D team is available for product development support. Contact us today to get started or to speak to a sales rep for additional information.

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We provide solutions

Visit the Avena Solutions Portal to learn about Avena’s new range of ready-to-eat pulse ingredients with targeted functionality and neutral flavor. Contact us for customized solutions.


Avena Solutions - ingredients for food manufacturers