Native Pulse Flours
Boost the Nutritional Value of your Products
Avena Best Native Pulse Flours are what food manufacturers trust to boost the protein and nutritional value of their products using plant-based ingredients. Milled from whole, split and decorticated pulses (beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas), our native pulse flours have been incorporated into various applications including bakery, snacks and bars, batters and breadings.
Ready-to-cook (RTC) pulse flour ingredients provide many benefits without compromising taste or texture when incorporated into food and pet food products. In particular, they:
- Boost the protein, dietary fiber and micronutrient content
- Improve the protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS), thereby increasing the quality protein available towards a protein claim when combined with grain at the appropriate ratio
- Pulse flours enhance the nutrition of allergy-friendly products
- Provide for a clean and clear label
- Supply quality starch that aids in expansion during extrusion
Contact Avena Foods for a reliable supply of native pulse flours.