
Our Farmers

Canadian Prairie Growers

Prairie farmers respect their land and the long-term benefits that can be had with sustainable farm practices. These practices include crop rotation, conservation till and precision ag. Incorporating these practices allows farmers to reduce inputs. They also provide regenerative benefits to the soil microbiome, as well as to biodiversity in the wider environment.

Pivotal to Avena’s success are strong, long-term partnerships with our growers. These relationships are fostered through an annual Grower School, joint crop inspections, Customer and Farmer Appreciation Days, Avena Sustainability Impact Projects and regular ongoing contact.

Farmers work with Avena’s pulse crop and grain buyers to ensure documented traceability of pulses and oats right back to the farm.

Teri in Pea Field promoting sustainable agriculture

On the farm

Meet Ken McDougall. He operates McDougall Acres, a century year-old family farm located just east of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Ken speaks to his long-term relationship with Avena and describes what’s involved in farming under the Avena Purity Protocol system.

McDougall Acres has three fields where Avena Purity Protocol oats are the only cereal in a three-year cropping system. Pulses (lentils or peas) and canola fill out the other two years of the rotation.

Join our farmer network

Are you interested in growing gluten-free organic or conventional pulses and oats with Avena?

Contact Matt Speidel, Avena’s Grain Buyer, for more information.

Tel: 306-586-7111

Partners in the field

Avena is anchored in long-term – in some cases, multigenerational – relationships with farmers. We are committed to sharing knowledge and working together from the ground up. High quality whole pulse and oat ingredients start in the field. We support our producers in continuing to meet global expectations for these oat and pulse ingredients. Avena Purity Protocol oat growers are paid a premium for the commitment and dedication required in maintaining purity of Avena oat crops. Resources are also provided to all Avena growers who participate in Avena’s sustainability impact projects.

Learn more about Avena’s farm partnerships.